Disrupting the Generational Cycles of Incarceration, Poverty, and violence

by equipping young men, with the tools to discover their purpose & live their passion

Funders and Supporters Include

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Logo
Journey Community Church Logo
Legendary Legacies Monogram with Crown

Legendary Legacies Inc is a gang rehabilitation and re-entry program. We stand as a beacon of hope in Worcester to provide training and support to formerly gang-involved and previously incarcerated people, allowing them to redirect their lives and become contributing members of our community.

Proverbs 13:22: “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children.”

Nationally Recognized & Accredited

Certified by the National Gang Crime Research Center

Community Driven & Funded at Every Level

Supported by local, state, and federal funding

Award-Winning Organization

Excellence in youth intervention, restorative justice, workforce development, and community impact

75+ Individuals Annually

Participate in intensive, life-changing coaching to break cycles and create lasting change

Step by Step Process


Outreach Initiatives

We aim to target individuals traditionally underserved by the education system and the legal rehabilitation system, due to their age and legal status: Men of color who have been either gang-affiliated or incarcerated.

Outreach Initiatives at Legendary Legacies


Local Partnerships

In working across gang affiliations and city neighborhoods, Legendary Legacies can reach a unique subsection of individuals who are not typically within reach of existing neighborhood based organizations.

Local Partnerships Strengthen Legendary Legacies


Personal Support

We offer young men the opportunity to develop the skills to become productive citizens & maximize their God given potential by providing positive male adult role models through various programming efforts. 

Personal Support happens at Legendary Legacies of Worcester

Current Programs




Legacy Links is a re-entry program for Black and Latino males who are 18+ reentering the community from incarceration. We start working with participants while inside the Worcester House of Corrections.  We utilize a combination of assessments to collaborate with our participants to develop a participant-directed service plan.  The service plan is to support a successful re-entry back into the community.




Legacy Builders is the primary intervention method for at-risk individuals used by Legendary Legacies. The model consists of a series of rites of passage meant to provide participants with powerful development experiences, which can replace some of the gang and violence-associated rites of passage that Legendary Legacies is looking to alleviate.




At Legendary Legacies, we recognize that true transformation involves not only personal growth but also making amends and contributing positively to the community. Our Legacy Transport program embodies this philosophy by providing participants with the opportunity to address food insecurity – a pressing issue in our community. By delivering over 100,000 pounds of food monthly to neighborhood pantries, participants directly witness the impact of their efforts, fostering a profound sense of purpose in their work.

Real Participant Testimonials

They Don’t Judge

“They don’t judge you. They don’t put you down. They’re not scared to joke with you. You know? Just for who you are. They make you feel like you’re not a piece of shit, that you did some messed up thing. You know? A lot of people see people like us different, you know? Just saw my tattoos. You know? […] They respect. They don’t judge at all. We are all the same.”

Legacy Participant

They Understand

“A lot of [the staff] have been like in our shoes in terms of like the things that they’ve been through and they had their own struggles in their lives, they have kids and all that, so they’ve been there, done that. So that’s the biggest thing for me because they understand that it’s hard out here for us and able to like show empathy towards that.”

Legacy Participant

There To Help Me Succeed

“[My community is] this program. The people that I’m surrounded by, that are there to help me, help me succeed and stuff. Versus, obviously, where I grew up and that community that just want me to, you know what I mean? […] This is the community that I want.”

Legacy Participant

We Are A Community, We Are A Brotherhood,

We Are Legendary.